Sunday, 21 September 2008

Nina's entries in Anita's Maruman

I haven't found any time to scan (as you know it is time consuming) Nina's beautiful pages in Anita's Maruman "A Taste of Home". I quickly took these photos, which are a little out of focus—sorry Nina.

Nina's painting of Stockholm which follows both Anita's and Margaret's pages.

Her sneakers and lamp follow, which leave me a few pages on this side for my taste of home...

Nina's living room which is followed by the books below and connects to Anita's teddy bear and her books which connects to Margaret's books and then it's my turn.

After I finish my pages it will go home to Anita.

I hope to scan these beautiful images after Thursday's move.


Margaret Ann said...

OH MY GOODNESS....What an amazing collection of paintings...OH MY GOODNESS!!!...And with Bali on the end....OH MY GOODNESS!!! Stunning! :)

Anita Davies said...

Oh Nina!
Just beautiful!!!

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Oh Nina, what a lucky Anita to have these wonderful works for good when the MARUMAN books are completed and returned to their originators. As Margaret says OH MY GOODNESS - the Stockholm view is OH MY GOODNESS - STUNNING - as are all the others. Its great how you mix up each artists work. ALL THE BOOKS NEED TO BE PUBLISHED for the waiting world to see. This has been an outstanding project.

Chris said...

Wow. I am just loving all these beautiful sketches and images. I'm just going to keep looking...